No voice left unheard

e-People is the single online service
made for the concerns of the people

Website overview

  • home
e-People (www.epeople.go.kr) is:

A representative online communication channel for conveniently filing civil petitions, proposals, participation, and reports of budget wastage through the Internet, providing one-stop service through close integration with all administrative agencies (central, local government, education offices, overseas agencies), Ministry of Justice, and major public institutions.

Website overview

  • Citizen → Civil petition, Proposal, Report wastage of budget, What’s on the people’s mind → File
  • Central administrative agency, Overseas agency, Regional education office → Integrated
  • Local government, Major public institution, Ministry of Justice → Integrated

What can I do on e-People?

  • You can file any inconvenience or issue with a government agency,

    which will be referred to the public institution that can resolve the inconvenience or issue in the most efficient manner for one-stop resolution.

  • If you have a good idea for the Korean government in improving policies or systems,

    you can file it on e-People conveniently so that the government may utilize it, in which case you may be rewarded.

  • If you encounter a case wherein government budget is wasted,

    you can file a report including the proposal to save the budget so that the valuable tax collected can be used in the best way possible.

  • If you have a good idea for the Korean government in improving policies or systems,

    you can file it on e-People conveniently so that the government may utilize it, in which case you may be rewarded.

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